Saturday, December 17, 2011

Can Technology Replace Teachers

Can Technology Replace Teachers?

The following article has been submitted by Lindsey Wright. Lindsey is a writer and can be reached at lindseywright39 @ gmail dot com. I’ve posted my comments in the comments section below.

Can Technology Replace Teachers? 

What is the role of teachers in today’s technologically driven society? That is really the main question to ponder when discussing whether technology can take the place of educators in the near future. Within the past decade people have started to take online courses and master foreign languages through computer programs such as Rosetta Stone, so imagining robots taking over the education realm isn’t that far-fetched. Even though technology can do many of the same responsibilities as educators, there is one thing that  guarantees that technology can never take their place. Human relationships. A teacher does not just transmit knowledge; he or she guides his or her students. Teachers are mentors who encourage students to develop critical thinking skills and apply them to life. Teachers also pass on social skills and develop a moral compass to their students so transmitting knowledge is just a small part of what a great educator does.



$135 Million? No Thanks

$135 Million? No thanks …

by LANGDON on DECEMBER 10, 2011

At the risk of restating the obvious, it would seem that the most notable thing that happened in the world of innovation in 2011, at least as far as the business world is concerned, was the sad death of Steve Jobs.

His biography sits at number one on the best seller lists, and when was the last time a book about innovation held that spot?  I don’t think it’s ever happened before!

But that is what the biography of Job is really about: how this extraordinary man managed not only to express his unique vision through decades of breakthrough work, and how he managed at the same time to organize a company around his efforts, and then how that company came to be valued as one of the top companies in the world, just behind (or above, depending on the stock market on any given day) the world’s mightiest oil behemoths.
