Monday, November 1, 2010

Summary of the Innovation Master Plan Framework

Summary of the Innovation Master Plan Framework

by Langdon Morris, Director, InnovationLabs


Innovation Master Plan Framework

I’m nearing completion on a book about the Innovation Master Plan framework, but I’ve had so many requests for a summary of the key concepts that I’ve prepared this white paper. As I continue to work toward completion of the book I welcome your thoughts and feedback on the ideas presented here. Please me send an email with your comments.  Thank you!

Is there any doubt in your mind about the importance of innovation?

Do you feel that innovation is vital to the future of your company? And perhaps to your own future?

Since you’re reading this, it’s reasonable to assume that you do. And of course I agree with you.

The problem is that innovation, the process of innovation, can be very difficult to manage. It’s risky and expensive, and entirely unpredictable. Einstein reportedly said, “It’s called “research” because we don’t know what we’re doing.” And even if we think we do know what we’re doing, the results frequently fail to live up to expectations.

Innovation is important and difficult; all of this is obvious. So now what?

Certainly we have to get better at it by applying tools and methods that will help to improve the process and the results. Even better would be to adopt a systematic approach that includes tools, but also goes beyond them to address the bigger pattern, the large scale risks and opportunities that your organization faces.

That’s the idea behind The Innovation Master Plan. It describes a system for innovation, and helps you design and implement your own Master Plan so you can make it happen.


  • introduction
  • why innovate
  • what to innovate
  • how to innovate
  • who innovates
  • where to innovate
  • conclusion
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A new publication summarizing the Innovation Master Plan Framework.

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